


Join Us

In 2024, 75 members gained hands-on experience in environmental stewardship through partnerships with land management agencies and environmental education organizations across Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest.

Browse Opportunities

Our Mission

is to engage the next generation of environmental leaders

through guided, hands-on service opportunities

that benefit our region’s public lands.


Crew Program

Our Crew Program assembles groups of young adults (ages 18-30) who serve together for 3+ months under WisCorps staff guidance. Crews travel throughout the season across the Upper Midwest on trail construction, habitat management, and carpentry projects on public lands.

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Individual Placement Program

Our Individual Placement Program offers opportunities for participants to serve at a single host site while developing conservation and educator skills with support from WisCorps and Placement Site staff.

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Support WisCorps

As a non-profit, our work is made possible through grants, partners, and donors like you, who help participants become the next generation of land stewards.

WisCorps is a division of Central Conservation. Learn More →